Chris Walker-Hebborn
We caught up with our sponsored athlete and Olympic Silver Medalist Chris Walker-Hebborn recently to find out how his training is going and what his current nutrition protocol is to fuel his grueling 4 hours PER DAY of training.
"I can’t say I do anything that fancy, its all common sense really. On my hard days I have a high carb intake - such as Sweet Potato, Basmati Rice, JBC Oats in my shakes, Rice Cakes, Pasta, etc. On my easier days I have high protein/fat instead of carbs - Eggs, Avocados, JBC Peanut Butter and Almond Butter etc. I don't track my calories as I am so active, but if I feel heavier, I'll eat less and if I feel low in energy, I'll eat some more!"
"The JBC products that I use most frequently are Unleash The beast, Amino Pro and Creatine."
Unleash The Beast
"Having the extra boost from Unleash is a great way for me to go from our 2 hour pool sessions and straight into a 2 hour gym session. Sometimes starting at 7am with a hard swim session, its not easy to remain motivated knowing you're about to get punished in the gym!"
Amino Pro 2.0
"To help keep me going throughout the gym and to keep my muscles fresh for my next session, I use Amino Pro. I love this BCAA as it tastes great, as well as minimises my DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) for my next workout."
Creatine Monohydrate
"After tough sessions like these its essential as a “Sprinter” that I replenish my Creatine stores, and general loading does of 5g daily usually does the trick."
Monday AM - 2 Hour Gym (Strength) followed by light swim
Monday PM - 2 Hour swim (Aerobic)
Tuesday AM - 2 Hour Swim (Threshold)
Tuesday PM - 2 Hour Swim (Speed/Sprint Work)
Wednesday PM - 2 Hour Gym (Power) followed by light loosen
Thursday AM - 2 Hour swim (Aerobic)
Thursday PM - 2 Hour Swim (Skills/Drills and Technique work)
Friday AM - 2 Hour Gym (Strength) followed by light loosen
Friday PM - 2 Hour Swim (Skills/Drills)
Saturday AM - 2 Hour swim (Aerobic/Speed)